Thursday, April 23, 2020

Portfolio Update 4/23/2020

As a starting point for this blog the above is my portfolio held my brokerage account.  My goal is passive income and you will notice that Realty Income Corp (O) is my largest holding.  I like O due to their monthly dividend payments, dividend history, and as an easy way to gain exposure to real estate.  Most of us don't have the extra cash to get into the rental market game and for me this is a good alternative.

Within the past month I added EPR, MAIN, ARCC when their prices dropped along with the rest of the market.  EPR is another REIT and MAIN and ARCC are both highly regarded BDCs (Business Development Companies).

I added ET as a short term hold that I hope to sell before their dividend ex date.  The reason being that I don't really want to deal with the form K-1 at tax time next year.  I also picked these shares up at $5.00.

AMC was added as a gamble.  At $3.00 a share it was worth it to roll the dice and see if it rebounds later this year.

I plan to update this from time to time and as new acquisitions are made.

April 2020 Month-End Portfolio Recap

This will be my first monthly portfolio / income recap.  In the month of April  my dividend payers were: Realty Income Corp (O) $8.05 ...